Why does God desire a temple? #Terumah #templeofGod #prophecy
What is the difference between God's Holy Days and the World's Holidays? #Mishpatim #holydays #ordinances
Did God change anything in His perfect Law? #Yitro #lawofGod #newconvenant
We can we learn from the Exodus experience? #Beshalach #prophecy #endtimes
What does the Bible say about the concept of midnight? #bo #doomsdayclock #endtimes
What is the message of the plagues of Egypt? #Vaera #prophecy #judgmentofGod
Are the ritual and sacrifices part of the Law of Moses nailed to the cross? #Shemot #LawofMoses #sacrifices
Why does God talk about 12 Tribes in the Bible? #12TribesofIsrael #Vayechi #12Tribes
What is the meaning of the two sticks? #vayigash #prophecy #I2tribesofisrael
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