How are children involved with the Shema? #shema #eikev #children
Why is America Sick? #devarim #health #sick
Is Iran and NATO mentioned in the Bible? What will happen in the years ahead? #MatotMasei #NATO #Iran
What is the way to follow God? #Pinchas #faith #elijah
How do you identify a false prophet? #Balak #falseprophet #prophet
How do we receive salvation? How do we become saved? What does the Bible say? #Chukat #salvation
What is the significance of the 12 Apostles? #Korach #Apostles
Why did the Israelites have to travel in the wilderness? #Shelach
What does the Bible reveal about complaining? #Behaalotecha #complain #complaining
How should society to be organized according to the Bible? #society #bamidbar
How is liberty defined in the Bible? #behar #liberty #freedom
Will believers become priests in the kingdom of God? #emor #resurrection #priest
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